smiddy, I had exactly the same WTF!!! moment you did! And like you, it was several more years before I completely and finally broke free, but that was the first real crack in the dam.
I never was all that gung-ho, but I did believe the Bible was God's Word and that the Society had the Truth™ (in most areas, anyway) well into adulthood. Then that patently ridiculous and self-serving bullcrap about early Bible Student conventions fulfilling certain Revelation prophecies woke me up. I started doing a little clandestine research on the nascent internet, and Voila!, my eyes were opened. The first site I found was Randall Watters' I especially enjoyed his Net Soup. That eventually led me here (well, one of JWN's earlier iterations) and the rest is history.
I have never been DA or DF, though to be truthful, there would have been grounds if they had chosen to pursue it. The loophole in the latest Flocking the Sheep (double super-secret elder's manual) gave them an out. I now live far away, don't represent myself as a JW (oh, hell no!), and no one up here thinks of me as a JW. I'm sure the fact that I know where many "skeletons are buried" was not a factor in their decision to leave me alone. I know stuff that could peel the paint off the walls...
I am shunned by some relatives (to varying degrees), but by no means all. None of the active JWs will discuss the reasons I left or any other "spiritual" topic. They don't want to know what my issues are. I believe they're afraid they too will see behind the curtain and have their precious bubble popped. Any discussion with me might "undermine their faith." They know they simply cannot hold their own in the light of calm reasoning backed up by verifiable facts and unassailable logic. The only thing they have to fall back on is "Where else would you go?" or "Those were just mistakes by imperfect men" or "We've had family in the Truth™ for almost 100 years. How could all of them have been wrong?" None of which has the slightest bearing on whether the Society's teachings are true or not, or whether their practices show any indication of "divine guidance" or not.
It's amusing that they are so scandalized and appalled that, thanks to this site and a couple of others, I usually know about confidential stuff, even super special boys-only BOE letters, well before they do, sometimes even before my Elder relatives. That irks them no end. I have to admit I enjoy a certain satisfaction in their discomfort and resentment. Oh well, no one's perfect. I am a bad boy...